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who is papoulas douradas?

✷ Registration closed ✷
Class 3 in 2023:

E ainda ganhe 50% de desconto para comprar o seu sketchbook na loja!*



Paola Yuu Tabata is an illustrator from São Paulo, Brazil. She has a degree in Design at the University of São Paulo. There, she organized art fairs such as Feira Grave, Expofeira das Minas and Tattoo no Museum and came into greater contact with the world of illustration and independent publications. She has already worked as a graphic designer in the area of ​​communication during her graduation, and as a tattoo artist for 3 years.Is currently an illustrator with a focus on personal works, known in the internet as Papoulas Douradas. The main characteristics of her works are vibrant colors and whimsical theme.



(Nunca tinha desenhado)

Achei todas as aulas muito claras e com uma didática muito acessível. Mesmo técnicas complicadas foram explicadas de uma maneira simples, possível de seguir. Também gostei muito da dinâmica de correções e dicas através do Discord. Ter a plataforma ali para conversarmos foi um grande apoio pra mim durante o curso, fez toda a diferença!

course content:

✷ Drawing exercises for those who have never drawn before

✷ Observation Drawing

✷ Study copy x Reference x Inspiration

✷ Composition, color palette and styling

✷ Everything about Adobe Photoshop to illustrate

✷ Digital tips, shortcuts, brushes and tools

✷ Technical parts (RGB x CMYK, PPI, pixels x centimeters...)

✷ Draw with me in real time

✷ How to get the idea out of your head and onto the screen

✷ Themed classes (portraits, animals, botany...)

✷ Social networks, portfolio and clients

✷ Earning money with illustration

✷ How to stand out, learn more and get out of the sameness

advantages and differentials:

100% online, you can do it wherever you want and in your own time!

Access to a Discord group to ask questions directly with Paola!



Access to the course for 1 year
and lifetime access to the Discord community!



Support handout, all summed up and for life!



Drawing processes explained step-by-step
and in real time!



Content (with subtitles) for both beginners and those who already draw!


Paola is an illustrator, designer and teacher, graduated in Design from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism ofUSP.

He works at his company Papoulas Douradas, creating magical universes and sharing content with those who love all of this, on Instagram and YouTube.

There are courses at
Unhide School andDomestika, and has also taught courses atCoolmmerce, Ilustra S/A andangry!

It also operates in the illustration market and some of its clients wereAdobe, META, HBO Max, Melissa, Japan House, Editora Mol, Revista Super, UolandHavaianas!


Learn more about Paola here:


frequently asked questions:

✷ When does the next class open?
Class 3 opens in the first half of 2023, but no date has yet been set. If you are interested, choose the best month to buy the course here:on that form.

✷ I can't afford this investment amount...
The value is to cover costs of time, knowledge, experience, platform, fees, space and more, but if you really cannot afford to pay, we open5 bags 50% off in all classes. As soon as we have a date for Class 3, we'll release more information!

✷ How much is it? What is the payment method?
The value remained at R$700! Payment can be made via PIX, card (up to 7 installments) and boleto. 

✷ What platform is it on?

Hotmart. To follow the course, it will also be used
o Discord (for chat, questions and feedback).

✷ What if I don't like the course?

After confirmed payment, you will already have access to the course classes (only access to Discord and the workbook, you will receive after the guarantee period). You can start watching the content, and if you don't like it, you are entitled to your money back within7 days!

✷ Do I need to know how to draw?
Not! The course is for beginners, but those who already draw will also enjoy a lot!!

✷ What will be the focus of the course?
Illustration!The focusnotit is online store or labor market.

✷ How do I know if I will like the didactics?

Paola has a lot of tutorials and content on YouTube, you can check it out and see if you like it!

✷ I don't use Photoshop, will I be able to use it?

1/5 of the course is 100% focused on Photoshop, in that part, some teachings can be applied in other programs, but the focus is on him. In the rest, you can enjoy a lot even if you don't use this program, soyea!

✷ Will you have a live class?
Not! All content is pre-recorded. But the chat is in real time and there we can talk, ask questions and if necessary, we can make video calls to explain something specific! It depends on the students :)

✷ Will there be treats?
The idea is to always have something special for the first purchases, let's think of something for the next Group!

be part of class 3!


7 days of

access by
1 year


of artists

of Conclusion


chat with
Golden Poppies


take a peek at the post:



Complementary material that you can consult forever, with a summary of classes, tips and interesting links!

Tips, mini tutorials and student results will be shared on Instagram@papoulinhas!
Be part of this creative community and use the hashtag#aprendicompapoula



discover other courses!

newsletter de aprendizado

Quer continuar aprendendo? Cadastre-se e receba novidades sobre próximas turmas, cursos novos, workshops e eventos de Papoulas Douradas no seu e-mail. Você pode se descadastrar a qualquer hora.

Cadastro feito!

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